Mazda CX-3 Wheel Nut Torque: Complete Guide

Mazda CX-3 Wheel Nut Torque: A Comprehensive Guide

Why is Wheel Nut Torque Important?

  • Proper wheel nut torque is crucial to ensure the safety and performance of your Mazda CX-3.
  • Incorrect torque can lead to loose or over-tightened wheel nuts, which can result in wheel detachment or damage to the wheel studs.
  • By following the recommended torque settings, you can prevent potential accidents and extend the lifespan of your vehicle’s wheels.

Recommended Torque Settings for Mazda CX-3

Here are the recommended wheel nut torque settings for the Mazda CX-3, categorized by model year:

Model Year Torque Settings (lb-ft/Nm)
2016-2021 80-94 lb-ft / 108-128 Nm

How to Properly Torque the Wheel Nuts

  1. Start by ensuring that your Mazda CX-3 is parked on a level surface and the parking brake is engaged.
  2. Using a lug wrench or a torque wrench, loosen each wheel nut in a diagonal pattern before lifting the vehicle.
  3. Once the wheel nuts are loose, use a jack to lift the Mazda CX-3 off the ground, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. Remove the loosened wheel nuts and the wheel.
  5. Clean the wheel hub and the mounting surface to ensure proper contact.
  6. Place the wheel back onto the hub and hand-tighten the wheel nuts in a star pattern.
  7. Using a torque wrench, tighten the wheel nuts to the recommended torque settings specified for your Mazda CX-3 model year.
  8. Repeat the process for each wheel, ensuring that the torque settings are consistently applied.
  9. Lower the vehicle carefully and recheck the torque settings after the wheels touch the ground.

Tips for Torquing Wheel Nuts

  • Always use a torque wrench to ensure accurate torque application.
  • Do not over-tighten the wheel nuts, as it can lead to damage.
  • Regularly check the torque settings of your wheel nuts to ensure they remain within the recommended range.
  • If you have recently had your wheels removed or serviced, recheck the torque settings after a short period of driving.
  • Refer to your Mazda CX-3 owner’s manual for any specific instructions or recommendations regarding wheel nut torque.


Proper wheel nut torque is vital for the safety and performance of your Mazda CX-3. By following the recommended torque settings and using a torque wrench, you can ensure that your wheels are securely fastened. Regularly checking and maintaining the torque settings will help prevent accidents and prolong the lifespan of your vehicle’s wheels. Stay safe on the road by giving due attention to wheel nut torque.

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