Honda Accord Wheel Nut Torque: A Complete Guide

Honda Accord Wheel Nut Torque: A Comprehensive Guide

Why is Wheel Nut Torque Important?

  • Proper wheel nut torque is crucial for the safety and performance of your Honda Accord.
  • Incorrect torque can lead to loose or over-tightened wheel nuts, which can result in wheel detachment or damage to the wheel studs.
  • Following the manufacturer’s recommended torque settings ensures optimal wheel alignment, reduces vibration, and extends the lifespan of your wheels.

Honda Accord Wheel Nut Torque Specifications

Before we dive into the specific torque settings for each Honda Accord model, it’s important to understand the units of measurement used:

  • lb-ft: Pound-feet is the standard unit of torque measurement in the United States.
  • Nm: Newton-meters is the metric unit of torque measurement commonly used worldwide.

Now, let’s take a look at the recommended wheel nut torque settings for different Honda Accord models:

Year Model Torque (lb-ft) Torque (Nm)
2008-2012 Honda Accord 80 108
2013-2017 Honda Accord 80 108
2018-2022 Honda Accord 80 108

It’s important to note that these torque specifications are general guidelines. Always refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual or consult a professional if you have any doubts.

Steps to Properly Torque Your Honda Accord’s Wheel Nuts

  1. Start by ensuring your Honda Accord is parked on a level surface and the parking brake is engaged.
  2. Using a lug wrench or a torque wrench, loosen the wheel nuts on the wheel you intend to work on. Loosen them in a diagonal pattern to prevent damage.
  3. Once the wheel nuts are loose, use a jack to lift the vehicle off the ground. Place jack stands under the vehicle for added safety.
  4. Remove the loosened wheel nuts and carefully take off the wheel.
  5. Clean the wheel hub and the mounting surface to remove any dirt or debris.
  6. Position the wheel back onto the wheel hub, ensuring it is properly aligned.
  7. Hand-tighten the wheel nuts in a star or crisscross pattern to ensure even tightening.
  8. Using a torque wrench, tighten the wheel nuts to the specified torque setting for your Honda Accord model.
  9. Repeat the process for each wheel, following the same torque specifications.
  10. After tightening all the wheel nuts, lower the vehicle from the jack stands and remove the stands.
  11. Finally, double-check the torque of each wheel nut to ensure they are properly tightened.

By following these steps and adhering to the recommended torque settings, you can ensure the safety and longevity of your Honda Accord’s wheels.


Proper wheel nut torque is a critical aspect of maintaining your Honda Accord’s safety and performance. By understanding the recommended torque settings and following the correct procedures, you can prevent wheel-related accidents and prolong the life of your wheels. Remember to always consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual or seek professional advice if you have any uncertainties. Drive safely!

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