Honda Fit Wheel Nut Torque: Safety & Performance

Honda Fit Wheel Nut Torque: Proper Tightening for Safety and Performance

Why is Wheel Nut Torque Important?

  • Wheel nut torque is a critical aspect of maintaining the safety and performance of your Honda Fit.
  • Properly tightened wheel nuts ensure that the wheels are securely attached to the vehicle, preventing accidents and potential damage.
  • Incorrect torque can lead to loose wheels, which may result in vibrations, poor handling, and even wheel detachment.

Understanding Lug Nut Torque Settings

Each vehicle model, including the Honda Fit, has specific lug nut torque settings recommended by the manufacturer. These settings are measured in pound-feet (lb-ft) and Newton meters (Nm) and should be strictly followed to ensure optimal performance and safety.

Locating the Correct Torque Specifications

To find the precise lug nut torque settings for your Honda Fit, you can refer to the owner’s manual provided by Honda. The manual will contain a section dedicated to tire maintenance, including the recommended torque specifications.

Proper Lug Nut Torque Chart for Honda Fit

Below is a detailed lug nut torque settings chart for the Honda Fit:

Wheel Size Lug Nut Torque (lb-ft) Lug Nut Torque (Nm)
14-inch 80-90 108-122
15-inch 80-90 108-122
16-inch 80-90 108-122

Steps to Properly Tighten Wheel Nuts

  1. Ensure that your Honda Fit is parked on a level surface and engage the parking brake.
  2. Using a lug wrench or torque wrench, loosen the wheel nuts on the desired wheel by turning them counterclockwise.
  3. Once the wheel nuts are loosened, raise the vehicle using a jack and securely support it with jack stands.
  4. Remove the loosened wheel nuts and carefully take off the wheel.
  5. Inspect the wheel studs and lug nuts for any damage or wear. Replace any worn or damaged components before reinstallation.
  6. Place the wheel onto the hub and hand-tighten the lug nuts in a star pattern to ensure even tightening.
  7. Using a torque wrench, tighten the lug nuts to the specified torque setting according to the chart above.
  8. Repeat the process for each wheel, ensuring that the lug nuts are tightened to the recommended torque.
  9. Lower the vehicle from the jack stands and tighten the lug nuts once more in a star pattern to confirm proper torque.

Regular Wheel Nut Torque Checks

It is essential to periodically check the wheel nut torque on your Honda Fit to ensure that they remain properly tightened. This is especially important after tire rotations, wheel replacements, or any maintenance involving the wheels.

By following the recommended lug nut torque settings and regularly checking their tightness, you can maintain the safety, performance, and longevity of your Honda Fit’s wheels.


Proper wheel nut torque is crucial for the safety and performance of your Honda Fit. By adhering to the recommended torque settings and following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your wheels are securely attached to the vehicle. Regular checks and maintenance will help prevent accidents and maintain optimal driving conditions. Stay safe on the road by giving due attention to your Honda Fit’s wheel nut torque.

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