Jeep Gladiator Wheel Nut Torque: A Comprehensive Guide

Jeep Gladiator Wheel Nut Torque: A Comprehensive Guide

Why is Wheel Nut Torque Important?

  • Proper wheel nut torque is crucial for the safe operation of your Jeep Gladiator.
  • Insufficient torque may lead to loose wheel nuts, increasing the risk of wheel detachment.
  • Excessive torque can cause damage to the wheel studs or threads, leading to potential failure.

Understanding Lug Nut Torque Settings

Before diving into the specific torque settings for the Jeep Gladiator, it’s essential to understand the units used for measuring torque. The two most common units are pound-feet (lb-ft) and Newton meters (Nm).

  • 1 lb-ft is approximately equal to 1.35582 Nm.
  • Conversely, 1 Nm is approximately equal to 0.73756 lb-ft.

Jeep Gladiator Lug Nut Torque Settings

Here are the recommended torque settings for the wheel nuts of the Jeep Gladiator:

Wheel Size Torque Setting (lb-ft) Torque Setting (Nm)
16-inch 85-95 115-129
17-inch 95-105 129-142
18-inch 105-115 142-156
20-inch 130-140 176-190

Steps to Properly Torque Wheel Nuts

  1. Start by ensuring that your Jeep Gladiator is parked on a level surface and the parking brake is engaged.
  2. Using a lug wrench or torque wrench, loosen each wheel nut in a diagonal pattern (e.g., top left, bottom right, top right, bottom left).
  3. Once all the wheel nuts are loosened, use a torque wrench to tighten them in a star pattern.
  4. Set the torque wrench to the recommended torque setting for your specific wheel size (refer to the chart above).
  5. Begin torquing the wheel nuts in the star pattern, applying equal pressure to each nut.
  6. Continue torquing until you reach the desired torque setting.
  7. Repeat the process for all the remaining wheels.
  8. After torquing all the wheel nuts, double-check the torque setting by re-torquing each nut in the same star pattern.

Regularly Inspect and Retorque

It is important to periodically inspect the wheel nuts and retorque them to ensure they remain properly tightened. This is especially crucial after any wheel removal or tire rotation.

Follow the same torque procedure mentioned above to retorque the wheel nuts, adhering to the recommended torque settings for your specific wheel size.


By following the recommended lug nut torque settings and proper torquing procedures, you can ensure the safe and reliable operation of your Jeep Gladiator. Regularly inspecting and retorquing the wheel nuts will help maintain their integrity and minimize the risk of wheel detachment. Stay vigilant and prioritize the safety of yourself and others on the road.

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