Range Rover Velar Wheel Nut Torque: A Complete Guide

Range Rover Velar Wheel Nut Torque: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the Importance of Wheel Nut Torque

Properly torquing the wheel nuts on your Range Rover Velar is crucial for ensuring the safety and performance of your vehicle. Wheel nut torque refers to the amount of force applied to tighten the lug nuts that secure the wheels to the vehicle’s hub. Incorrect torque can lead to various issues, including loose wheels, uneven tire wear, and even potential accidents.

Recommended Wheel Nut Torque Settings

When it comes to the Range Rover Velar, it’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s recommended torque settings to guarantee optimal performance. The following table provides the lug nut torque specifications for the Range Rover Velar:

Wheel Size Torque Settings (lb-ft) Torque Settings (Nm)
18-inch wheels 103-111 lb-ft 140-150 Nm
19-inch wheels 103-111 lb-ft 140-150 Nm
20-inch wheels 103-111 lb-ft 140-150 Nm
21-inch wheels 103-111 lb-ft 140-150 Nm

Proper Procedure for Torquing Wheel Nuts

Follow these steps to ensure you torque the wheel nuts correctly:

  1. Start by securing your vehicle on a level surface and engaging the parking brake.
  2. Using a lug wrench or socket wrench, loosen the wheel nuts on the wheel you intend to remove.
  3. Lift the vehicle using a jack and place it securely on jack stands.
  4. Completely remove the loosened wheel nuts and carefully take off the wheel.
  5. Clean the wheel hub and the mounting surface to remove any debris or rust.
  6. Position the new wheel onto the hub, ensuring it fits snugly.
  7. Hand-tighten the wheel nuts in a star pattern to ensure even distribution of torque.
  8. Using a torque wrench, tighten the wheel nuts to the specified torque settings according to the table above.
  9. Double-check the torque by going over each nut in the same star pattern.
  10. Lower the vehicle from the jack stands and remove the jack.
  11. Repeat the process for each wheel.

Additional Tips and Precautions

  • Always use a calibrated torque wrench to achieve accurate torque readings.
  • Do not over-torque the wheel nuts, as this can lead to damage or thread stripping.
  • Regularly inspect the wheel nuts for signs of wear or damage and replace them if necessary.
  • Ensure that the torque settings are checked and adjusted whenever you rotate or replace your vehicle’s wheels.
  • Consult your Range Rover Velar owner’s manual for any specific instructions or recommendations.


Properly torquing the wheel nuts on your Range Rover Velar is a simple yet crucial task that should never be overlooked. By following the manufacturer’s recommended torque settings and using the correct procedure, you can ensure the safety, performance, and longevity of your vehicle’s wheels. Remember to regularly inspect and maintain your wheel nuts to guarantee optimal driving experience. Stay safe on the road!

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